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Gastric bypass

Gastric bypass

Gastric bypass (RYGBP) is a restrictive procedure that can also reduce fat absorption. It minimizes food intake, reducing hunger, and increasing satiety. In some cases, it can also change the taste of food, thus helping people to avoid high-calorie foods. This procedure comprises of two steps: partitioning of the stomach and reconstruction of the gastrointestinal tract. First, we create a small, thumb-sized pouch from the upper part of the stomach. This process leaves the more substantial portion of the stomach non-functional. Second, we divide the small bowel into two sections. One end is then attached to the stomach pouch. The other end, which is still connected to the part of the stomach that is no longer functional, is reattached to the intestinal tract to enable drainage of the digestive juices. RYGBP is a powerful therapy against type 2 diabetes and gastric reflux disease. It entails a reduced absorption of iron and vitamins and therefore requires taking supplements.


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