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Speaking on behalf of all the healthcare professionals on my team, we want you to feel confident and informed about weight loss surgery.
These FAQs aim to provide answers to common questions about weight loss surgery.
We welcome you to write to us at with any questions or concerns you may have.

After surgery, any transport is usable, plane, train, coach, car. It is also possible to drive, however not on long journeys.

Weight loss surgery can have a beneficial effect on a woman's ability to conceive. However, we recommend avoiding pregnancy for at least one year after surgery, to give your body the time to recover and adapt to the new lifestyle. Before trying to conceive, you should take blood exams to assess vitamin and iron levels, which should not be deficient at the beginning of pregnancy. If you are trying to conceive, you must discuss this matter with your surgeon.

There are risks involved with all types of surgery. Dr. Marinari's extensive experience and the protocols adopted by his bariatric team offer a very low complication rate, even in comparison with international literature. At your first consultation, the surgeon will explain the risks associated with weight loss surgery.

In the first period (3-4 weeks), it is best to avoid large tablets, but after that time any therapy is possible. In the case that you should take medications which are harmful to the stomach (i.e., steroid or NSAIDs), it is best also to take gastric protection.

The amount of weight you will lose and how quickly, depends on how your body responds to the procedure. The expected weight loss after bariatric surgery is 60-80% of excess weight. Still, you may lose more or less, depending on your characteristics and compliance. On average, most of the excess weight is lost in the first 7-8 months after surgery. However, the procedure undergone affects the speed in the loss. The fastest drop is achieved with the Sleeve Gastrectomy, while the slowest loss is after Biliopancreatic Diversion. At your first consultation, the surgeon will explain how much weight you can expect to lose and how quickly.

Patients who are entitled to it can be operated on by the National Health System. If not, or if you want better hospital treatment, or want to choose the date of the procedures, please write at

Dr. Marinari offers weight-loss surgical procedures following national guidelines. The eligibility is based on the person's body mass index or BMI (a measurement of excess fat related to height). To be eligible for weight loss surgery, you must have: 1) BMI ≥ 40, or BMI ≥35 if you have 1 or more severe obesity-related medical conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnoea, lipid disorder, osteoarthritis, etc. 2) Failed other medically managed weight loss programs. 3) Age between 18 and 65 years. The first two points are rigid, while there is some flexibility on the third. Our bariatric team will determine your eligibility after a thorough medical evaluation.

The inner stitches are made in titanium and therefore are not reabsorbed. Titanium is a non-magnetic element, and consequently all radiological examinations (CT scan, NMR) are possible.

Dr. Marinari has the expertise to perform both laparoscopic and conventional surgical procedures. The vast majority of the operations we perform are laparoscopic. However, in rare cases (i.e., multiple previous surgeries) this may not be possible and the surgeon will perform a conventional surgical procedure.

Over the years, the stomach can dilate a little, but it never returns to its original size. After about 2 years, food intake will be slightly increased, and this is normal, but it does not lead to weight gain. There are rare cases of weight regain, but they are usually due to poor meal management (eating fast, eating often, eating pureed foods, that except in the first months should be avoided because they can lead to weight regain) or to soft drink abuse.

In every case, yes. After Sleeve Gastrectomy and Biliopancreatic Diversion, gastroscopy allows the exploration of all the remaining stomach. After Gastric Bypass, gastroscopy enables the exposure of the small gastric pouch only and not of the excluded stomach.

Anyone interested in weight loss surgery is welcome to contact us. If you want a consultation in Milan downtown, Genoa, Albissola Marina (SV) and Sassari, please call or message at +393913615367 or mail at Should you prefer a consultation in the hospital where the procedure will be performed (Rozzano, Milan), please contact +390282246970. You can also have a consultation in Bari (please call +390805237062).

Our team of qualified doctors is ready to help you get back to health,  contact us now!